
Lego Style Rice Crispy Treat Recipe

By Mandie Cohen May 17, 2024

Usually on rainy days, I'm always trying to find something fun and engaging to do with my kids. I came across the idea of making this sweet treat of Lego styled Rice Crispy Treats. These Lego Rice Crispy Treats are a great way to teach your kids an easy recipe and being creative with their food. The best part of this is you not only get a sweet treat but you get to spend quality time with your child(ren). 



  • Rice Crispy cereal
  • 10 oz bag of medium or small sized marshmellows 
  • 1/2 stick of butter (unsalted)
  • White icing (usually vanilla flavored)
  • Food coloring of your choice
  • M&Ms


1. First, you will want to grab a medium sized sauce pan and melt the 1/2 stick of butter.

2. Once the butter is melted, you will want to SLOWLY add in the marshmallows. (As the marshmallows begin to melt, you can add in more). 

3. After the marshmallows are melted, you then combine with the Rice Crispy cereal and stir together thoroughly.

4. While still warm, you will want to transfer the Rice Crispy cereal and marshmallow mixture to a casserole dish for when it cools and can set evenly.

5. While your rice crispy treats are cooling, you can begin the process of mixing the white icing with food coloring. For this step, I had 3 bowls and scooped a few spoonfuls of the icing in each bowl and dropped about 5-8 drops of the coloring into the bowl. (See below)

6. Once the rice crispy treats are cooled, you can then cut them in various sizes; much like lego sizes. (Long rectangles, squares, short rectangles, etc)

7. After the rice crispy treats are cut up into the sizes you want, you can then begin spreading the desired colored icing onto each one, topping it up with evenly placed, same colored M&Ms making a perfect Lego look. 

I hope you enjoy this fun, creative and yummy Lego Rice Crispy Treat recipe!